Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TeamCity 4.5.3 is here to fix 4.5.2

It happened that 4.5.2 release had Rake runner nonfunctional :(

Sorry about that. We fixed the issue right away but need to provide updated distribution so that less users are affected.

So here it is: TeamCity 4.5.3.

The main development is already done in to-be-5.0 trunk but for the week since 4.5.2 release we integrated several fixes and improvements into 4.5.x branch. Here is what our tracker reports for 4.5.3.

BTW, "Cheers" to all the users who showed up at our JavaOne booth. Thank you for the feedback and do not hesitate to post and discuss more in the forums.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teamcity 4.5.2 is available

Hello everyone,

The second update of TeamCity 4.5 is available for download.
The list of changes is available in our tracker and on our main site.

This build contains an updated version of SVNKit library (1.3.0), so it should behave more nicely with Subersion 1.6 repositories.

Let us know about issues found, if any.

Kind regards,